Welcome to Bekki's World

Hiya! I'm Bekki and this is my blog that Sir told me to write and I know I'm just going to adore keeping up to date.

I like boys and clothes and makeup and jewellery and celebs and gossip. I used to pretend like I was a grown up man but that was just a joke. 16 4 eva!

Email me at if u want to be friends or enemies or have anything to say to me or are a cute boy. I have to publish all emails sent to me but without names or addresses or stuff like that, unless people say not to.

i can also do mesaging and things at the saem adress or at wich is better.

Sir says that u can also email me to
1) Add stuff to my "rituals" list.
2) Give me one-off commands.
3) Add new rules.
4) Suggest new crushes.

i am sry abowt the speling wich is getting like werse i no but i dont hav enny choyce abowt it.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Vo... words

No, you don't know the word "Iconic". In addition, no word longer than four syllables... those are the sounds in words... unless it's used on the X-Factor a lot. Here are some other words that you might want to use that, in fact, you can't.
  • Technical words. Too long, too complex. Particularly ones about computers.
  • "No" - You can argue, evade, promise, wheedle, but never say "no".
  • "Wrong" - You're not smart enough to judge.
  • "Men" - always "boys".
 In addition, you should use at least one of "like" or "totally" in each sentence, have one "uh..." and no sentences of less than ten words, though feel free to randomly jam sentences that have little or nothing to do with each other together to reach the minimum length. 
Your friends can, of course, suggest other words and limitations. You may well end up with a very small vocabulary indeed. (That's a thing with words in, Bekki. No, not a dictionary).
Thats uh... like so meen i not onlie cant spell properlee any more but i have 2 do all this stuff and sound so brainles!!! I have a degree and an educashion and uh... like all that other kind of stuf that meens i know how 2 do all this but now I cant!!!!

<3 Bekki <3





1 comment:

  1. Now Bekki, the degree is clearly a lie. Girls like you aren't really cut out for higher education. Next time you want to show off, instead consider complaining about how school is hard - at least that will be honest!

    Also, something I also 'suggested' for your 'sister' Ashlee over at tismylifeomg.blogspot.com - no more using the word 'very'. It should be 'way' from now on.
