Welcome to Bekki's World

Hiya! I'm Bekki and this is my blog that Sir told me to write and I know I'm just going to adore keeping up to date.

I like boys and clothes and makeup and jewellery and celebs and gossip. I used to pretend like I was a grown up man but that was just a joke. 16 4 eva!

Email me at if u want to be friends or enemies or have anything to say to me or are a cute boy. I have to publish all emails sent to me but without names or addresses or stuff like that, unless people say not to.

i can also do mesaging and things at the saem adress or at wich is better.

Sir says that u can also email me to
1) Add stuff to my "rituals" list.
2) Give me one-off commands.
3) Add new rules.
4) Suggest new crushes.

i am sry abowt the speling wich is getting like werse i no but i dont hav enny choyce abowt it.

Thursday, 20 October 2011


I am concerned about your weight. You need to slim down noticeably. Below find the "Get in Shape, Girl" diet. It will do for a start, until you find another diet in a magazine.
  1. Breakfast: Fruit only.
  2. Lunch: Salad. No meat, no dressing, no cheese, no mayonnaise.
  3. Dinner: You may eat what you wish, but when given the choice you should select no "Man" foods - no steak, pick chicken instead. It's not hard to work out the girliest choices on the menu.
  4. Snacks: Carrot sticks. Dried fruit. You may have small amounts of chocolate, but you should look guilty when you eat it, and only have a couple of bites. You may chew as much gum as you like.
  5. Drinks: Diet drinks, water. Occasional small white wine. No beer!
  6. Exercise: Three times a week. You may swim or run. No weights, no rowing. The idea is to lose weight, not gain muscle.
 That shouldn't be too hard for you. Please report on your weight weekly.
OMG. Thats like a full training program. And salads and fruit only?

<3 Bekki <3

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